John Adams Middle School and Will Rogers Learning Community Team up for Comedy Night Saturday John Adams Middle School (JAMS) and Will Rogers Learning Community will host a hilarious night of comedy Saturday featuring renowned comedians Julie Kidd, Angela Hoover, Ms. Pat, Jan Davidson and Vicki Barbolak. These talented and professional comedians donate their time to benefit technology at JAMS and science at Will Rogers. Be warned, this show will not be for the faint at heart! Over 18 years only! Will Rogers’ parent Janine Hayes has produced this successful fundraising event for the past three years. This year sponsors Trader Joes and Arrowhead Water will be hosting a reception on the lawn at JAMS, 2425 16th Street, at 7 p.m.. The laughs begin at 8 p.m. in the JAMS Auditorium. The line-up is as follows:
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