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By Jorge Casuso

September 30, 2024 -- The pro-law enforcement slate trying to retain control of the City Council picked up a key endorsement last week from the regional Teamsters Union and saw $120,000 pumped into a PAC supporting its re-election.

The Teamsters -- which represents workers in the City Yards and Big Blue bus, including garbage haulers, custodians, mechanics and carpenters -- threw their support behind Mayor Phil Brock, Councilmember Oscar de la Torre and business owners John Putnam and Vivian Roknian.

"These (workers) are the guys who never get recognized," said Brock. "These are the guys on the streets fixing our city. I support them to the maximum."

Brock said the union interviewed the four candidates on the pro-law enforcement slate "and decided they would be good friends of labor.

"Our employees in the City are constantly at risk of being attacked by the homeless, and we have to keep them safe," Brock said.

In endorsing the slate, the Teamsters Joint Council 42 broke with the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, which endorsed the Council slate backed by Santa Monica's political establishment.

The incumbent-led slate also saw its biggest financial backer, Santa Monicans for a Real Positive Future, reap two major contributions that helped close the overall fundraising gap with its rival slate after Wednesday's deadline to report donations made through September 21.

The Edward Thomas Management Company, which owns the Casa del Mar and Shutters hotels, donated $100,000, while Ocean Promenade Inc., a hotel and motel company owned by the local Farzam family donated $20,000.

Santa Monicans for a Real Positive Future has amassed the biggest campaign war chest with $351,900, including two $100,000 contributions from Douglas Emmett Properties and Jerry A. Greenberg reported last week ("More Than $1 Million Raised for Council Race," September 30, 2024).

Santa Monicans for Change, which also supports the pro-law enforcement slate received a $1,000 donation from Ye Olde Kings Head and two contributions from individuals, one for $100 and one for $1,000.

The contributions narrowed the financial lead held by the establishment-backed slate composed of College Trustee Barry Snell, Planning Commissioner Ellis Raskin, Pier Board Chair Dan Hall and Natalya Zernitskaya.

So far, the biggest contributor to the slate is Renters and Workers for Santa Monica sponsored by UNITE HERE Local 11, the hotel workers union, which has raised $275,000, with $150,000 contributed by the national union headquartered in New York City.

As of last Wednesday, the rival slate and its backers -- which must win two of the four open seats in November to regain control of the Council -- had raised $596,504.

The incumbent-led slate now has $560,714 to fend off the challengers.

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