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By Jorge Casuso

October 21, 2024 -- A small group of volunteers with little money seems to be gaining traction as it takes on a record $495 million Santa Monica school bond measure backed by $400,000 in donations.

Opponents are mounting the campaign six years after a similar $485 bond measure that faced no opposition was approved by 72 percent of Santa Monica voters, far more than the 55 percent needed.

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But unlike in 2018, this year's opponents submitted a ballot argument against Measure QS and are making the rounds presenting their case to residents in different parts of the city, organizers said.

If the bond is approved, property owners would pay an estimated $28.70 per $100,000 of assessed value through fiscal years 2051-52, according to the Tax Rate Statement for the bond.

The total debt service, including the principal and interest, to repay if all the bonds are issued and sold is $879,372,000.

Proponents of the bond argue the money is needed because Santa Monica's "aging school facilities are outdated and in urgent need of repairs and upgrades," according to the ballot argument in favor of Measure QS.

"Outdated classrooms and learning centers hinder student achievement and make it increasingly difficult to address the needs of students in our ever-changing world," proponents wrote.

"We cannot wait any longer to provide teachers and students with the 21st century resources they need for a safe and effective learning environment."

Opponents counter that Santa Monica residents have "voted 'Yes' for every bond since 1998 -- ALMOST TWO BILLION DOLLARS, including interest" and "didn't get what was promised."

"This bond is another BLANK CHECK with no safeguards against mismanagement," reads the argument against the measure. "There is NO PROJECT LIST they are legally required to complete. YOU WILL HAVE NO SAY in how the money is spent!"

"We want our kids to thrive. However, REAL SUPPORT for our kids requires an OUTSIDE AUDIT of all bond spending and results BEFORE agreeing to another bond."

As of Monday, the YES on Measure QS campaign had raised $355,290 (compared to about $100,000 in 2018), while Community for Excellent Public Schools (CEPS) had raised another $40,000.

Campaign finance disclosure statements show that construction-related donations make up nearly 80 percent of the total, with construction firms accounting for 9 of the top 12 donors; 80 percent of the donations come from outside Santa Monica.

The biggest donation -- $30,000 -- was made by Erickson-Hill Construction, followed by the PAC for Yes on SMS, the 2018 school bond measure, which donated $26,960.

Three construction-related companies rounded out the top five -- Southern California IBEW-NECA Labor Management Cooperation donated $25,000, Cumming Management Group, Inc. donated $20,000, and
NAC Architecture donated $18,000.

Massetti Consulting LLC, a construction-related firm that has a five-year $20 million contract with the School District to manage the bonds, donated $10,000.

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