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Monthly Poll Finds Little Support for Measure Restricting Guns

Bob Kronovetrealty
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By Jorge Casuso

June 28, 2023 -- A monthly poll of Santa Monica residents concerned with public safety found that the majority oppose a proposed law that would place restrictions on gun sales and ownership.

The text message poll of some 140 residents -- conducted between June 20 and June 26 -- also found respondents were torn over adding security at Downtown parking structures and opposed an upcoming hotel workers strike.

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The Santa Monica Pulse poll found that 59 percent of the respondents said they oppose the proposed gun law the City Council directed staff to write on June 13, while 33 percent support it and 8 percent were unsure.

The cutting-edge gun law could, among other things, ban licensed retailers from displaying firearms and impose an annual fee on gun owners. It also could also require gun sales to be videotaped and gun owners to report guns that are lost or stolen. ("Santa Monica Drafting 'Cutting Edge' Gun Law," June 15, 2023).

"We want to make it as difficult as possible for (guns) to get into the hands of folks who might do something," said Councilmember Caroline Torosis, who co-sponsored the item.

The measure was proposed three months after the City Council increased the concealed carry weapon (CCW) licensing fee by more than four times what the LA County Sheriff's Department had been charging ("Council Sets Fees for Concealed Carry Weapon Licenses," March 15, 2023).

The poll found that respondents were torn over a recently approved $2.2 million contract for a pilot program that provides four unarmed security guards to monitor city parking structures in the Downtown area overnight ("Council Poised to Approve $2.2 Million Contract for Parking Structure Security," June 12, 2023).

Asked if they believe these unarmed security guards will be effective in reducing crime, 47 percent said "not at all effective," 40 percent said somewhat effective and 13 percent said the program will be very effective.

The poll -- which is conducted by Eyes on 11, a hotel union watchdog -- also asked whether respondents support a hotel workers strike over the 4th of July weekend "demanding an hourly wage as high as $30 per hour in addition to a long list of additional demands."

Two-thirds do not support the strike, which the poll said "could potentially bring tourism to a standstill," while one-third said they support it.

The strike comes as Santa Monica's tourism industry is on a steady road to recovery, with both the number of visitors and the money they spent rising significantly last year ("Santa Monica Travel Market Continues to Recover," May 19, 2023).

As with previous polls, the latest Santa Monica Pulse poll was sent to nearly 1,000 residents who "previously opted in to receive more information on education efforts surrounding crime and safety in their city." It had a 14 percent response rate.

Those who wish to be included in the next poll should email their name and cell phone number to

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