Santa Monica Lookout
Award-Winning Authors Recruited For Santa Monica Library's Summer Teen Writing Courses | ||
By Hector Gonzalez July 6, 2015-- Finding published writers who match with Santa Monica Public Library's summer teen writing workshops can sometimes be difficult, but once they're contacted they're usually more than happy to participate, said Librarian Ann Wagner, who coordinates that annual program. Every year, library staff sets about contacting authors to be part of the program, which began in 2008. Sources include the Society of Children's Book Authors and Illustrators and patrons who know published authors or “know someone who knows” an author, said Wagner. It also helps to be in Santa Monica, home to a good many published authors, she added. “We are lucky that we have a lot of local writers we can tap,” said Wagner. This year's slate of talent includes an award-winning TEDx poet, an author/rocker/director and a successful screenwriter, among others. They will share their experiences and love for the craft with ninth- through 12th-grade students during the second session of the library's “Write On! A Teen Writers' Workshop.” An earlier session for sixth- through eighth-grade students was held last month, but Wagner said the program for older students attracted more participants this year. The program, to be held July 7 through July 9 at the Main Library, already is filled to its 15-student capacity, she added. Workshop sessions are designed to inspire and encourage teens to find their voices through different styles and genres of writing, said a press release from the library. Students will complete writing exercises, share their work and learn about the writing process from an author of young adult literature. At the end of the workshops, the students can submit their work for publication in the Santa Monica Public Library’s Teen Zine. Older teens usually are more devoted to improving their writing skills than their younger peers, “and the stuff they're going to write will be more serious than the younger students,” said Wagner. Leading one of the workshops for high school students this year will be poet Rachel Kann, whose work has appeared in “Word Warriors: 35 Women Leaders in the Spoken Word Revolution” and other publications. Also leading other workshops will be Scott Bly, author of “Smasher;” James Mihaley, author of “You Can’t Have My Planet, but Take My Brother, Please,” and Cecil Castellucci, author of “The Plain Janes,” “Tin Star,” “Stone in the Sky” and other works. Author Kendell Shaffer will likely discuss the mechanics behind her newest book, “Kalifornia Blu,” a story about a troubled teen who must reconcile with her estranged father while dealing with the juvenile justice system. Having authors like Shaffer break down their writing process and provide real-world advise to teens can sometimes be a life-changing experience for them, said Wagner. “I know that one of our former students is now enrolled in a screenwriting class at a college,” said Wagner. “That's what this is all about.” |
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