Board To Discuss Moratorium on Confidentiality Clauses |
By Ann K. Williams
July 12 -- More than a half of a million dollars may inch closer toward
the School District’s coffers Thursday night when the Board of Education
discusses its response to the City Council’s recent restrictions on the
Before handing over $530,000 to the schools, the City Council last month demanded
a moratorium on the District’s practice of requiring confidentiality agreements
with parents of special education students which prohibit them from discussing
the terms of their agreements with other parents.
District staff will recommend Thursday night that the board send a letter to
the City, spelling out its reading of the City’s requirements.
The staff report contained in the July 12 Board of Education agenda outlines
the proposed letter, which asks for clarification of the “recent practices”
the City wants the District to stop.
The “moratorium” is defined in the proposed letter as a “temporary
condition,” until an independent review of district practices is complete
and it defines the constraints on the “independent” consultants
who will review the district’s special education settlement agreement
And it provides that confidentiality agreements can be allowed if they are
“requested by the parents.”
The staff report can be found on pages 95-96 of July 12, 2007 Board of Education
agenda at under “Board Meetings.”
The public portion of the Board meeting will begin at 5:30 Thursday in the
District office at 1651 16th Street, Santa Monica.