Santa Monica Lookout Letters and Opinions

The Unaffordable End to Single-Family Homes

October 21, 2024

Dear Editor,

Santa Monica voters should take the time to understand the impact of SB-10, which allows 14 units to be built on a single-family lot with no affordability requirement ("Homeowners Try to Get Out Urgent Message," October 18, 2024).

It really is the most important issue facing us in this election. I would say even more than crime because of it's long-term and irreparable harm. And I say that as someone who had a catalytic converter stolen, a windshield bashed in by the fists of a crazy person, and a murder at the end of our street in broad daylight in the past year and a half.

Lucky for us, the Safer Santa Monica Slate is the best choice on both issues. Please continue reading to see how SB-10 irreparably harms Santa Monica neighborhoods.

Why will SB-10 mean the end to homes with yards? Because the value of a lot on which you can build 1 unit (+ADU) will multiply overnight if you can now build 14 units. There is no way regular buyers can compete with that. Corporate developers/investors will outbid regular buyers because they are bidding to flip 4 luxury townhomes or 14 rental units for a minimum of $8 million on what was a $2 million home the day before.

Look around your block? Elderly folks moving to assisted living? Empty nesters downsizing? Divorce? Death? Job transfer? Those properties will be sold and the developer will be the highest bidder.

"Kids" trying to stay in the house they grew up in are already hard-pressed to pay the step up in property tax because of Prop 19. If they couldn't afford the step up to pay $20k per year for a $2 million valuation, there is no way they will be able to pay $50k per year on a $5 million valuation or $80k per year on an $8k valuation. That home is GONE.

This will happen first where it's most profitable, which means Sunset Park and Pico Neighborhood, then Northeast Neighbors, then North of Montana. Not a single unit of the additional density is required to be affordable. It's just density for the sake of developers. This will happen. It's not conjecture. SB-10 is designed to ensure "market forces" will make this happen and decimate neighborhoods. Once implemented SB-10 can't be repealed and there is no turning back.

This really is a threshold issue in this election. IF YOU WANT SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES TO REMAIN IN SANTA MONICA, PLEASE VOTE FOR THE SAFETY SLATE. They have promised NOT to implement SB-10. On the other hand, the SMRR slate has promised to implement SB-10. Please vote to preserve our neighborhoods. Please vote for a Safer Santa Monica - Phil Brock, Oscar de la Torre, John Putnam, and Dr. Vivan Roknian.

Nikki Kolhoff
Santa Monica

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