The Lookout Letter to the editor
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LETTERS -- Protect the Local Landlady

April 1, 2019

Dear Editor,

How is it possible that everyone finds protections under the umbrella of the Santa Monica City government: the hotel worker, every single laborer, all tenants, every man or woman with various sexual orientations?

The only individual that enjoys no protections but consistent prosecution is the woman housing provider, the lady landlord.

The landlady is subjected to direct verbal insults, sexual insults, random acts of violence including pushing, kicking, having doors slammed in her face, her car being damaged.

And yet no one gives a damn about this person, except when they need something or the government needs her money.

These repulsive policies against the female housing provider are disgusting, unconstitutional and completely destructive to our sense of fair play.

Certainly hotel workers and citizens are entitled to protections but not at the exclusion of the hard-working committed women who owns rental property and often gets phone calls day and night from angry, rude and disrespectful tenants.

This treatment sickens me, and it should sicken you as well.

Discriminatory ordinances passed by the cities of Santa Monica and Los Angeles are point blank against the lady housing provider. Among pages and pages of tenant protections, there is not a single line for the protection of the landlady.

This is outrageous, destructive and inappropriate.

It's time to elect new officials who stand up for the rights of the hard working women who have denied themselves many vacations and pleasures, all to provide housing, and they get nothing in return but insults and dehumanization.

Wake up America!

Robert Kronovet
Former Rent Control Board member and 2010 Realtor of the Year

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