The LookOut Letters to the Editor
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“Surprised and Saddened” and Elderly Out of Touch

Dear Editor,

Regarding “Bigger Mess Part 1” pertaining to the discussion over the proposed enhancement of City funding to our schools, and Frank Gruber's role in it as a commentator, after weeks of offering real wisdom above the fray, his column descended into a mean-spirited and puerile abyss. I suppose the schoolyard temptation to pile on is too hard to resist.

While I agree that it was unwise for school board members to feel the need to respond to Winston Braham's ramble at the City Council meeting, Gruber's column in response was fit for Fox, way over the top and inappropriately personal in its attacks on School Board members.

It was appalling in its efforts to humiliate hard-working volunteer leaders who give their considerable wisdom to our children every day and have helped to create one of the finest school districts in the State of California, the envy of nearly every community in the state.

I was surprised and saddened.

Denny Zane
Santa Monica

June 21, 2007

Dear Editor,

It seems like a small group of dedicated individuals convinced the City Council that the proposed Civic Center Development is too "Hong Kong" like. (see story)

It would be nice if the council would recognize that those voices represent only a small fraction of Santa Monica residents. Most of us don't have time to attend those meetings.

I also believe that most of us would be delighted by this development. Six stories is a great height that fits perfectly with current Santa Monica, and even better within the city that it is evolving into. The design is modern and very nice looking.

When will we stop catering to elderly residents and their out-of-touch with reality complaints and start building a city that welcomes and accommodates tomorrows needs.

Best Regards,

Tobias Wacker

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