The LookOut Letters to the Editor
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Need More Hybrids Not Incentives

July 27, 2004

Dear Editor,

The Prius is an outstanding vehicle and represents a great value given the level of technology that has gone into producing it. (“WHAT I SAY: Feeding the Stereotype,” July 26, 2004 and "LETTERS: Prius Envy," July 27, 2004)

I know that there have been occasions where a pre-owned Prius has sold for more than a new Prius because of the high demand.

Although Fran Pavley has an excellent idea, we currently have a six to seven month wait on the Prius without incentives. What we really need more than incentives are more Priuses.

It feels good to sell a car that gets great mileage, is environmentally friendly and people actually want to buy it with or without any additional bonuses. Our entire sales staff has a great sense of pride in offering a product that is a win-win for everyone.

We look forward to an exciting future with hybrid technology.

Mark Harding
Fleet Manager
Toyota Santa Monica
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