The LookOut Letters to the Editor
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Keeping Homeless on the Streets

February 10, 2004

Dear Editor,

In her letter, Bruria Finkel asks for positive suggestions to eradicate homelessness. (“Santa Monica's Disneyland and Eradicating Homelessness,” Feb. 9, 2004)

How about we start with eradicating her SWASHLOCK program! It's this very program that keeps the homeless on Santa Monica's streets, and worse, at our beaches and parks. Giving the homeless a safe and convenient place to wash up and store their belongings merely enables them to continue to be homeless.

I can't take my two children to the beach or parks in Santa Monica without being hassled by the homeless, many of whom, according to our chief of police, are criminals. When are these foolish liberals like Finkel, who enable the homeless to remain homeless in Santa Monica, going to get a clue and let the children of our community reclaim our beaches and parks?


Karen Solomon-Perkins
Santa Monica
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