The LookOut Letters to the Editor
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Begging to Differ

October 27, 2003

Dear Editor,

In regards to Mr. Grubers contention that widening the sidewalks on 6th & 7th street would not cause any traffic problems I beg to differ. ("WHAT I SAY: Santa Monica: Population 85,000 Plus Two," Oct. 27, 2003)

We have operated a business on 7th Street since 1987.We have watched the traffic increase exponentially since then. If not for the left-turn lane on 7th Street, there would be a line of traffic halfway up the block & I would not be able to get out of my driveway.

In addition, delivery trucks to the Vons market as well as UPS & other delivery trucks are sometimes forced to double-park to unload. Response times for the fire station located on 7th Street would surely be increased. One only has to look at the traffic back-up on Broadway
& Santa Monica Boulevard since the widening of their sidewalks to realize that this is a poor idea.

We are a small business, already struggling with huge increases in workmen's compensation premiums, employee health insurance etc. We do not have the wherewithal to cover widening of city sidewalks.


Larry Beaufait
Four Oaks Garage

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