The LookOut Letters to the Editor
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“Green Party Shenanigans” and “I was not Removed”

May 3, 2003

Dear Editor:

I've just read the final installment of your series on the fundraising scandal in the local chapter of the Green Party ("Party of One?" May 1). What else would you expect from the party that delivered the White House to George Bush!

Perhaps the local Green Party members are intentionally diverting us with this bush-league financing scandal because it would be much too painful for them to focus on the bush-league White House they created.

I find it appalling that our local elected "leader", Mike Feinstein, is trying to portray himself as a victim of intramural party infighting.

No matter how you cut it, Feinstein is guilty of violating the law: He either: (1) concealed political contributions by refusing to file the required disclosure reports, or, (2) if he claims he was not responsible for filing reports, he redirected funds intended for others for his own use.

The sad part is that even though we have such apparent criminal behavior by one of our elected officials, there is no groundswell calling for his resignation.

But, I suppose this is no different than what is happening at the national level. No one seems to be calling for the resignation of that other beneficiary of Green Party shenanigans, George Bush, who also acts as though he is above the law.

Mat Berger, angry voter
Santa Monica

May 1, 2003

Dear Editor,

In Part 5 of the series “Shades of Green,” reporter Oliver Lukacs writes: “Morris’ decision to act without the county’s authorization would prompt his removal as treasurer.”

I was not removed as Treasurer, as no one asked for my resignation. In fact, I’d been trying for the past several months to get someone to take the post!

Previous to the March 23rd council meeting I asked Donna Warren if she would consider being taking the post and she said she might. Therefore, at that meeting, I happily nominated her to be Treasurer, and she was elected.
At that same meeting I was also re-elected as Co-coordinator (co-chair), hardly a sign of lack of confidence in me.

Bob Morris
Green Party of Los Angeles County
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