The LookOut Letters to the Editor
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Theft, not Fairness and "Maverick"

December 10, 2003

Dear Editor,

I am a Santa Monica parent writing to object to the gift redistribution policy being proposed by Superintendent Deasy. ("Malibu Parents Face off over Gift Policy," Dec. 10, 2003)

The issue is theft, not fairness. A gift is private funds. A donor giving to charity is entitled to have their money utilized per their request.

It is irrelevant whether another charity might have greater need. It is just as wrong for the school board to take money given to one school, and give it to another, as it would be for a government entity to seize funds donated to Heal The Bay and give it to the Make A Wish Foundation.

If Santa Monica schools need additional funds, it is the job of Superintendent Deasy, and the school board, to find those funds from a public source. Perhaps it is time for Deasy and the school board, to ask for more funds from the city of Santa Monica.

Each year the city Santa Monica wastes millions of dollars on stupid street modifications. Perhaps it is time for our school officials to suggest a much better use for those funds.


Jeff Segal
Santa Monica

December 10, 2003

Dear Editor,

In the article about the proposed SMMUSD gift policy, I'm puzzled by your
description of Superintendent John Deasy as a "maverick."

Zina Josephs
Santa Monica

Eds Note: According to our dictionary, a maverick is "a person who takes an independent stand." The definition has no negative connotations. Given the number of innovative policies Supt. Deasy has backed or initiated (e.g. splitting Samohi into separate campuses, threatening to close the schools for a week to make up for a budget deficit, turning SMASH into a charter school, as well as the proposed gift policy), we thought it was an appropriate description.
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