The LookOut Letters to the Editor
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Dear Editor,

Ignorance is bliss when it comes to cynically popping off. Speaker
Villaraigosa does deserve a lot of credit for the tremendous victory we
achieved in killing the 424 Overlay and returning to 7 digit dialing.
He joined the fight and took a stand when it looked as if the phone
companies would have their way.

By putting his name on the Knox bill, he showed that he was lending his full weight behind it. He then used all his weight to get it passed against tremendous phone company opposition. He then took the unusual step of put himself on the all important conference committee that negotiated the final bill with the state Senate. He also played a role in convincing the FCC and the governor to support our cause.

An unprecedented victory like this takes many, many players. For
example, Senator Bowen personally went to Washington. DC to lobby the
FCC. Certainly Villaraigosa is using his position to endear himself to
LA voters. What else is new, but that should not diminish his
significant (and politically risky) effort in taking on the all powerful
phone companies.

Speaker Villaraigosa deserves our appreciation.

Councilman Paul Rosenstein
Santa Monica

Dear Editor,

Kelly Olsen did not seek a seat on the Planning Commission. He was sought out and asked to take the seat because of his knowledge of and commitment to the planning issues in Santa Monica.

In fact, his initial response was to reject the request to serve in that very difficult position. If you watch Olsen yourself on the Planning Commission, you will undoubtedly see one fine Commissioner.

Patricia Hoffman
Santa Monica

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