The LookOut Letters to the Editor
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December 27, 1999

Dear Editor,

Gwen Pentacost's statement that the newly created 86 spaces for weekend
parking for patrons on Pico will "...alleviate the Friday and Saturday night problem... " implies that somehow the problems of parking off the eastern of Pico are solved. On any Friday or Saturday night the need for parking along the eastern end of Pico is much greater than 86 spaces, especially on the nights of concerts at McCabes.

Though we appreciate the efforts of the businesses to alleviate the parking problem, I need to point out that it was the residents who took the problem to task and not the businesses. To label their efforts as proactive is misleading. The business community reacted to the drive for preferential parking off the eastern end of Pico and were initailly hostile and derogatory of our efforts to solve the problem.

With the advent of the Pico Improvement Association, the attitude and the demeanor of the business community changed for the better. I and other residents appreciate that, but if the true goal of the group is avert the implementation of preferential parking off of Pico in the area bounded by Stewart, the 10 Freeway and Centinela, then they are mistaken in our willingness to work with them to affect a ong term solution for the entire area.

Our desire for preferential parking has been made clear twice--once through the petition, and again through a city staff poll. My desire and that of the majority of other residents remains unchanged. I will work with the business group to continue to alleviate the parking problems off of the eastern end of Pico, but the true long term solution to the parking problems off of Pico would not include killing off the preferential parking zone as described above.

The true long term solution will include preferential parking for our neighborhood which will protect residents from the continued encroachment of excessive commercial parking in our residential neighborhood, and the creation of additional parking alternatives for patrons and employees.

The eastern end of Pico is on a commercial upswing and the need for parking is only going to grow greater, not less. I look forward to working with the business group, but with the understanding that preferential parking and other parking solutions are not mutually exclusive.

Faron Isom
Santa Monica

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